Pacific Cable Station (Former) is located in Southport.

Address: The Southport School, Dixon Drive, Southport.

Position on map:

The two surviving buildings associated with the Pacific Cable Station are important for their historic association with the Pacific Cable line. The station buildings were where communications were received and sent through the Pacific Cable. The cable, opened in 1902, was the second telegraphic link with Great Britain and stretched from the Island of Vancouver to Southport, marking an important step in international communications for Australia. It continued to operate into the 1960s. The station has strong social significance for the former operators and technicians, including the Overseas Telecommunications Veterans Association. The buildings also demonstrate the chief characteristics of a cable station facility as well as the characteristics and aesthetic qualities of a public building executed in the Queensland vernacular style. They are rare surviving examples of early Government infrastructure in Southport.

Queensland Heritage Register: NO
Heritage protection boundary: Building plus 5m radius

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