Bus Melbourne to Canberra new timetable

Bus schedule: departure time from Melbourne, arrival time to Canberra, fare (ticket price), travel duration and carrier

Bus departures from: Melbourne
Address: Southern Cross Terminal – Bay 55

Bus arrives to: Canberra
Address: Bays 2-4, Jolimont Centre, Northbourne Ave

Estimated ticket price (AUD): $60 – $89
Don’t understand how much AUD is in your currency? Check here: Australian dollar exchange rates

Departure Arrival Duration Carrier Operates
12:00 PM 8:00 PM 20:00 Greyhound daily
10:00 PM 6:00 AM 20:00 Greyhound daily

Check instantly information about return journey: Bus Canberra to Melbourne timetable

Don’t be surprised by this in Canberra!

Other timetables of interest: Bus station Melbourne – information and timetable

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